TSU EuroClub extends a warm invitation to join an enlightening seminar organized in collaboration with the young European ambassadors initiative (EU Neighbours East) and Tbilisi State University. The event, titled "From Bitcoin to Blockchain: Legal Aspects of Virtual Assets", will be facilitated by a legal expert in informational technologies, Vakhtang Chkhenkeli.
Delve into the realm of crypto assets during this seminar to gain a comprehensive understanding of their significance and the opportunities they present. The discourse will encompass the developmental history of virtual assets, insights into Bitcoin and blockchain technology, and an exploration of crypto markets and virtual asset services.
During the seminar, participants will: Gain valuable insights into the classification of virtual assets and the corresponding legal nuances. Attendees will familiarize themselves with recent changes in the Georgian legislature, delving into the responsibilities of virtual asset service providers and embracing optimal regulatory practices in the virtual assets domain.
The session will offer a deep dive into the challenges associated with virtual assets, the workings of decentralized markets, and a forward-looking exploration of future changes and opportunities.
Post-seminar, participants will be awarded a certificate as a testament to their engagement and understanding of the legal intricacies surrounding virtual assets.
Date: March 6, 17:00.
Venue: Tbilisi State University II Building, Auditorium N119
Interested persons please complete the attached registration link: https://forms.gle/PKN6jpoveNsZ9rSs7