On October 7, 2023, the deputy deans of the TSU Faculty of Law - Professor Irma Kharshiladze and Associate Professor Giorgi Dgebuadze hosted a delegation comprising the justices and staff members of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand. The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint the faculty with the constitutional court system of the Kingdom of Thailand and to engage in an exchange of experiences concerning significant legal issues in litigation and legislation.
During the meeting, Professor Irma Kharshiladze and Associate Professor Giorgi Dgebuadze shared the noteworthy national and international activities, achievements and plans of the academic staff and students from the TSU Faculty of Law. There was a specific emphasis on the importance and willingness to collaborate with the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand, as well as with the universities in Thailand, to further enrich the educational experience and academic progress.
Among those present at the meeting were Irakli Leonidze, the head specialist of the Internationalization and Scientific Research Department, and the head specialists from the Dean's Office - Mariam Khuroshvili and Rusudan Tsagareli.
Subsequently, the meeting was followed by a scientific discussion.