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Pre-selection for staff mobility under the Erasmus+ program between the University of Bucharest (Romania) and the University of A Coruña (Spain) is now open. 

Eligibility for Participation:

1. In the case of the University of Bucharest:

  • Representatives of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Tbilisi State University, who are employed in a decision-making position in the administration of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Tbilisi State University, who are involved in the management of the dual program between TSU and the University of Bucharest (Dean, Deputy Dean, Academic Supervisor of the Dual Program)
  • Representatives of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Tbilisi State University, who are involved in the coordination activities of the dual program between TSU and the University of Bucharest (this must be confirmed by a letter issued by the faculty)
  • Decision-making staff of the Quality Assurance Service of TSU

2. In the case of the University of La Coruña:

  • Decision-making person involved in the management of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program
  • Academic staff of the Institute of Ethnology 


Comprehensive details regarding participation in the competition, including the required documentation, can be found here