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The Master’s Degree Program is the second level of academic higher educaion.
The Master's Degree Program includes elements of scientific research; it trains specialists and researchers to a higher degree than the Bachelor's Degree qualification, preparing them for career in their field.
TSU student has the right to:
- Receive a quality education and participate in scientific research;
- Use the material and technical resources of TSU, including the library, information and other resources;
- Receive complete information about the education programs at TSU and to request syllabi for training courses;
- Demand a fair assessment of their knowledge and to appeal examination results in cases where it is warranted;
- Receive qualified advice from an authorized person on educational programs, training courses, exam deadlines and formats, or any other issues related to the educational process;
- Periodically evaluate the work of academic and administrative staff;
- In order to improve the assessment within the main time frame set for the educational program, the student can repeat the training course, taking into consideration the credits established as the semester work norm. If a student not is satisfied with their grade they can take the same course again the next semester in order to improve the grade, and must pass all obligatory exams. The best results will be confirmed as the new grade.
TSU students must:
- Familiarize themselves regularly with the TSU administrative regulations related to the learning process;
- Inform the University Learning Process Management Department/Faculty Learning Process Management Service about any changes in their personal information in the electronic learning management system;
- At the Master's level, the student's workload for the 4 semesters is at least 120 credits;
- A Credit is the unit of the learning program that is obtained by achieving pre-set learning outcomes;
- A student workload averages 60-65 credits per academic year.
- A student workload for one semester should not exceed 35 credits.
- A Master’s student in the graduating semester is allowed to choose up to 40 credits.
- A student may continue, or complete the educational program through self-financing during additional semesters if necessary.
Administrative registration
- Passing Administrative Registration implies full or partial payment of the tuition fee for admission to the Fall or Spring semester and is a prerequisite for passing academic registration.
Academic registration
- Academic registration for courses is carried out through the electronic learning management system - lms.tsu.ge.
- A student may change or cancel a course only within the first week of the course.
- Academic registration for a student participating in the TSU Educational Exchange Program within the framework of the Educational Exchange Program envisages registration in accordance with the rules established by the foreign education institution and its country. A student participating in an exchange program continues studies in the partner institution according to the regulations of Georgia and the terms and conditions specified in the agreement (memorandum) signed with TSU and a foreign higher education institution.
- Academic registration for a student participating in the TSU Exchange Educational Program as part of the Educational Exchange Program involves enrolment in a research component at a Georgian university or a foreign partner institution of higher learning, in accordance with the law of the respective country and the institution.
- The student has active status after passing the administrative and academic registration.
Each student receives their own profile to enter the electronic Learning Management System (lms.tsu.ge) when registering for the first semester. The following services are available through the System:
- Implementation of an individualized curriculum;
- Visualization of subjects chosen as well as grades obtained and credits awarded on the study card;
- Familiarization with the educational programs available within the Faculty, a list of study courses, syllabi, and study and examination schedules;
- Correspondence with the relevant Learning Process Management Department/Faculty Service relating to the learning process, and with the Examination Centre if there are issues relating to exams.
- Tuition fee is determined by semester transfer and amounts to 1125 GEL;
- A different tuition fee may be fixed for a separate Master’s Degree education program in accordance with the rules established by law.
- TSU students can pay the tuition fee in stages during the semester. See link at:
- https://www.tsu.ge/data/file_db/PR/etapobrivad%20gadaxda.pdf
- When supplementary semesters are necessary to pass the course, the tuition fees for the first two additional semesters’ students’ tuition fee is determined according to the credits of the study course/courses, and for the next additional semesters the student pays the regular semester fee (1125 Gel).
- The cost per credit in the supplementary semester of an educational program is 40 GEL. If the tuition fee for the educational program per semester is above 1125 GEL, the credit amount is calculated in proportion to the semester fee at the rate of the student's average semester workload (30 credits).
- Tuition fees can be paid at: any branch or ATM (Bancomat) of the Bank of Georgia, Liberty Bank or TBC Bank.
- For any problem connected with the payment of tuition fees, students can contact the TSU Finance Department (TSU, First Building, Room № 019) or the hotline at +995 32 2 250484.
Internal mobility
- TSU student is entitled to change educational program by means of internal transfer, both within the faculty or an educational program of another faculty of TSU.
- Internal mobility can be carried out online at lms.tsu.ge from the Master’s student's personal profile.
- Internal transfers are possible after the first semester of study, but does not include the time during which a student has been suspended;
- The right to change educational program is depends on the number of vacant places, and on the results in the Unified National Examinations (competition score), which must exceed the results of other mobility applicants.
Enrollment in TSU through transfer from another institution
- Enrolment in TSU through transfer is carried out in accordance with the rules established by law. Mobility is administered by the LEPL - Education Management Information System online: (https://emis.ge/mobiloba/).
The grounds for suspension of student status are:
- Failure to register (administrative or academic);
- Personal application for suspension without stating a reason. The student must apply to the university rector with a request for suspension no later than 2 weeks after the start of the course;
- Personal application for suspension on other grounds can be made within five weeks for the beginning of the course for the following reasons: Transfer to an institution of higher learning abroad (except for study in an exchange program) or for reasons of illness (by providing medical documents showing a student’s inability to follow the course).
- In the case of prolonged and severe illness, the exception can be determined by order of the Rector (during the period of classroom training).
- The maximum term for suspension of student status is 5 years, except in cases provided by law (studying in a foreign HEI or illness).
- After the deadline, students lose the right to suspend their status and owe the tuition fee for the following semesters.
- Student status cannot be suspended within the framework of the TSU Educational Exchange program.
- Personal Statement;
- Graduation of the educational program by the student at the given level;
- Suspension of student status for more than 5 years;
- Inability to receive a credit three times in the same compulsory course;
- By decision made as a result of disciplinary proceedings against a student by the Faculty Council on the basis of the University Code of Ethics, internal regulations and disciplinary measures;
- Death.
- During one year from the issuance of the order to terminate student status, the student's status is considered suspended and the student is entitled to exercise the right to external mobility;
- If student status is terminated, it can be re-issued by passing the internal exams defined for the common Master’s/ TSU educational program. A student who has the right to study without passing the general Master's exams is granted student status according to the law.
Midterm exams
Re-taking conditions for the midterm exam
- If a student does not attend a midterm exam given by the faculty, they must apply to the Dean with a statement indicating a valid reason for their absence, with document confirming the reason. The examination may be re-taken within 2 weeks from the date of the midterm examination;
- In case of absence at the midterm exam given by the examination centre, the student applies to the examination centre through the electronic database (lms.tsu.ge) with a statement indicating a valid reason for their absence, and submits a document confirming the excuse. The exam must be re-taken within 2 weeks from the date of the midterm exam.
- In case of absence within 2 weeks to take a makeup midterm exam, the student must have a valid reason, which will be considered by the Dean of the Faculty.
Final and additional exams
- The student is allowed to take the final exam with a score of at least 51 points, taking into account the maximum score of the intermediate assessments and the final exam.
- Reasons for failing an exam include:
- A) The student's actions during the exam, which contradicts the instructions for conducting the exams and the TSU;
- B) Receiving less than 50% of the points set for the final exam.
Students may re-take an exam during the exam period of the current semester under the following conditions:
- In case of absence for a main exam conducted by the faculty, another exam can be requested by the student addressed to the Dean, indicating a valid and documented reason for absence. The decision to admit a student to an additional examination is made by the Dean;
- For absences at a main exam given by the examination centre, another exam can be requested by applying electronically to the Exam Centre (lms.tsu.ge) with a valid and documented reason for the student’s absence. The decision to permit a student to re-take an exam is up to the Examination Centre;
- In case of unsatisfactory assessment of the Master's thesis (F/FX), it is not allowed to submit it for defence in the same semester;
- In case of absence for the Master's thesis defence, additional admission to the defence before the start of the study process in the next semester is allowed if the student applies to the Dean, indicating a valid reason for absence and submitting an attestation of proof;
- For scores between 41 and 50, and/or if a student who has failed the main exam but has accumulated at least 41 points, the student is automatically given the right to take the relevant additional exam;
- When a student receives a score of FX in the educational program component, an additional examination is appointed not less than 5 days after the announcement of the results of the final examination.
- In case of absence at the Final Exam or additional exams given by the faculty, the student applies to the Dean with a valid reason and certification, to request an individual appointment for the exam within the time limit set for the final or additional examinations.
- In case of absence for the Final or additional exams given by the examination centre for a valid reason the student applies by letter to the examination centre via e-database (lms.tsu.ge) for the appointment of an individual exam within the time limit set for the final or additional examinations indicating the reason and presenting documents certifying their excuse. The decision will be made by the examination centre;
- In case of absence at the final and additional exams, after the end of the exam period for the student, the appointment of the exam in an individual manner is allowed only for valid reasons, which must be documented. The decision to make an individual appointment after the end of the examination period is made by the Rector of the University on the basis of the advice of the Dean.
- The final and relevant additional exam form is a written exam. Depending on the specifics of the course, it may also include an oral exam component, in which case the exam will be considered passed if the student receives at least 50% of the scores set for each of this component (writing/oral).
The Student achievement evaluation system
Five types of positive assessment:
A.a) (A) Excellent - 91-100 points of the assessment;
A.b) (B) Very good - 81-90 points of maximum assessment;
A.c) (C) Good - 71-80 points of maximum assessment;
A.d) (D) Satisfactory - 61-70 points of maximum assessment;
A.e) (E) Sufficient - 51-60 points of maximum assessment.
B) Two types of negative assessment:
B.a) (FX) Did not pass - 41-50 points of the maximum grade, which means that the student needs more work to pass and is given the right to take the additional exam once with independent work;
B.b) (F) Failed - 40 points or less of the maximum grade, which means that the work done by the student is not enough and he/she has to re-take the course.
Important: If a student receives an FX assessment for the scientific-research component of the Master's educational program, the Master's student is allowed to submit a revised scientific research component during the next semester. If the student again receives an F grade, the Master’s student loses the right to submit the same scientific research component.
- Upon completion of the higher education program, the graduate is awarded the relative degree/qualification.
- A Diploma and an “Appendix” shall be issued in the name of the graduate.