DIKU Projects
Projects with Norwegian Universities
Project title: Intercultural encounters in academia and workplaces in South Caucasus and Norway ( 2018-2021 )
Project number: CPEA-LT-2017/10016
Funded by: The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education
Main partner institutions:
- OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway)
- Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
Network partners:
- Yerevan State University in Armenia (Armenia)
- Khazar University (Azerbaijan)
Project aim and outcomes:
The overall objective of the project is to develop strong and lasting institutional partnerships among four partner institutions in South Caucasus and Norway through academic collaboration. More precisely, to achieve better understanding of the ways to deal with linguistic and cultural diversity in academic and work settings
The outcomes of the project include enhanced competence in intercultural communication for the academic and administrative staff at all institutions, better quality of educational programmes, establishing research collaboration and contribution to the internationalization of higher education in the four cooperating countries.
Project title: Intercultural communication in academic settings in South Caucasus Countries and Norway ( 2017-2019 )
Project number: CPEA-ST/10083
Funded by: The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education
Main partner institutions:
- OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway)
- Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
Network partners:
- Yerevan State University in Armenia (Armenia)
- Khazar University in Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan)
- NO-Human Rights Academy (Norway)
Project aim and outcomes:
The aim of the project is to enhance intercultural competence and academic cooperation in the South Caucasus Countries, as well as enhancing the understanding of these subject matters, and of the South Caucasus Countries, in Norway.
Project title: UiB-TSU co-operation within the field of Anthropology ( 2018-2021 )
Project number: CPEA-LT-2017/10036
Funded by: The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education
Main partners:
- University of Bergen (Norway)
- Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
Project aim and outcomes:
The project focuses on developing joint educational activities and promoting student mobility on BA, MA and PhD levels. One of the main activities of the project will be a Summer School on Anthropological Research Methods. To give an opportunity to the Norwegian and Georgian students to gain practical experience of doing field research by participating in a mini filed work as well as improve their knowledge in anthropological research methods. In order to promote student mobility, special grants will be offered both Norwegian and Georgian students. Project members from both UiB and TSU will develop a new course - “Anthropology of Post-Socialist Societies and Beyond”. The course will be taught both at UiB and TSU giving students regional knowledge while exploring the issues of various social, political and economic transformations.
Project title: Georgian-Norwegian Collaborative in Public Health (GeNoC-PH) (2016-2022)
Project Number: CPEA-2015/10057
Main Partner Institutions:
- Arctic University of Norway (project coordinator)
- LEPL - Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (coordinating institution in Georgia)
- University of Georgia
- L. Sakvarelidze National Center for Disease Control and Public Health
Project aim and outcomes:
The overall goal of the project was to increase public health competence in Georgia by developing a new, international, high-quality Master program in Public Health (MPH) with a special focus on register-based epidemiology. The new MPH replaced previous generation MPH programs at Tbilisi State University (TSU) and the University of Georgia.
In addition, project gave the opportunity to two PhD students to acquire invaluable knowledge in register-based research by utilizing the newly implemented Georgian medical registries in their research. Master and PhD Students participated in short- and long-term mobility.
As a result of the given project, Georgian-Norwegian collaborative Public Health new Master Program was initiated at TSU (Accredited in 2017, first admission in 2018).