No matter where you live and work, if you are young and love taking photos, this message is for you. Take a photo and send it to us along with a short description. Provide a written account of the narrative conveyed by this photograph.
The project “Life beyond Conflicts” is implemented by the Free Association with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
The subject matter of the photo story may encompass a range of social issues, ecological concerns, youth, culture, educational initiatives, human rights, and other matters of public interest.
The competition will select three winners, each of whom will receive GEL 380.
Please note that the prepared work:
- must not contain hate speech,
- must not carry the interests of politicians, political activists and political groups,
- must not be published in any media outlet.
Send photo story to by August 23. In the email, please, include your mobile number so that we can contact you if needed. Also, indicate your age when you send the material.