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Students of various authorized universities of Georgia can come and study in Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
The mobility process is conducted twice a year - in autumn and spring semester (concrete timeline is set up by National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement)
Mobility needs to be done:
Students register on e-mail on e-mail on mobile
To pay mobility fee (40 GEL) JSC "Bank of Georgia".
In case of responding to the right of mobility, the student should address the TSU administration with a written application.
List of documents to be submitted:
- Copy of a document certifying full general education;
- A copy of the ID card; A copy of the military-accounting certificate (or military ticket, if any) before the draft;
- Copy of all legal acts determining student status; Student training card;
- A copy of the document confirming the recognition of the education received in a foreign country (if any);
Internal Mobility
Within the framework of internal mobility, the TSU student (including the status quo student) has the opportunity to move from one faculty to another faculty and change the educational program.
The right to participate in internal mobility is restricted to the additional semester student.
Internal mobility is announced twice a year in the autumn and spring semester of the academic year.
Person with the right to participate in internal mobility
• TSU student has the right to participate in internal mobility.
• The student has the right to participate in internal mobility even if he / she has stopped student status at the moment of registering the electronic mobility electronic portal.
• Three times in the same compulsory training course, before the issuance of a rector order on the termination of the student's termination of student status, the mobility is possible only for the program on which the course is not a compulsory study discipline or not.
Limit the right to participate in internal mobility
• The right to participate in internal mobility will be made after one semester of study.
During the course of the study there is no time in which the person has stopped the student status.
• The right to participate in internal mobility is restricted by the termination student for three times in the same compulsory training course due to the credit of the loan.
• The right to participate in internal mobility is restricted to the additional semester student.
The internal mobility process includes: the registration of the vacant places of the educational programs by the faculty on the electronic portal; Registration of applicants' electronic portal; Faculty recognizes credits for students; The student has the right to choose and prefer not more than 5 educational programs.