In the framework of the ERASMUS+ funded project “Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of the third mission in Georgian Universities (SQUARE)” representatives of the Belgian Accreditation Agency EFMD - Dr. Christophe TERRSASSE and Jean-Baptiste MAILLARAD visited Tbilisi State University on November 24. The meeting with rector and the working group of the project was held. During the meetings, European partners discussed the ongoing projects of TSU aimed at contributing to the development of the society, as well as the vision for strengthening university’s third mission activities and the future plans within the project. Currently, TSU is working with EFMD to finalize the 3M inventory and map and the report on third mission. Currently there are 74 ongoing third mission projects within the university.
SQUARE project is the national project and its aim is to increase the quality and relevance of the third mission of the universities. In the framework of the project, Georgian Universities, with the help of European partners will develop the methodology and guidelines for planning, implementing, developing and evaluation of the third mission activities and develop the strategies for third mission. Ministry of Education and Science and the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement are one of the most important partners of the project. With their help and involvement, the role and importance of third mission will be more clearly defined in the law on higher education and the evaluation indicators for third mission will be more defined more clearly in the standards of quality assurance. Every Georgian partner university is now actively working on the maps of third mission activities and the report on third mission in university.