Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University marked the International Day Against Plagiarism on February 19. A series of events were planned and carried out on initiative of the TSU Quality Assurance Service in the framework of the Erasmus Institutional Development Program – “Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Georgia (INTEGRITY).” In particular:
Three video lectures were prepared by Edwin Constable of University of Basel, member of EUA-CDE council and expert, concerning scientific integrity, big data processing and the big three FFP (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism). The video lectures were uploaded to TSU’s YouTube page and also sent to students via Ims, a student portal.
In partnership with the National Scientific Library, an online training was planned and held on the issues of scientific integrity and avoiding plagiarism. Deputy Head of the National Scientific Library, Nino Pavliashvili delivered an online public lecture, in frames of which students received information about the library collections, electronic resources and academic support services. 160 students were registered to the event.
Learning resources (guidelines, video lectures, video tutorials, etc.) developed in the framework of the Integrity project were sent to TSU students via LMS.