A training on a topic “Internal Quality Assurance” was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on September 28-30. The training was organized by the TSU Quality Assurance Service and it was held with the financial support of the Office for Central and Eastern Europe of Francophone University Agency. The training was led by Anca Greece,Professor of Romania’s Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB), Deputy Director of UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) in 2012-2019, expert in higher education quality assurance at the 2nd supervisory meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG).
35 representatives of Tbilisi State University, including employees of TSU Quality Assurance Service, academic staff and students attended the training. The following issues were discussed: modern approaches of internal quality assurance, development of quality culture, distribution of responsibilities and active involvement of students in the quality assurance process.
The three-day training was interesting and interactive for all participants.
In 2020, two projects submitted by the TSU Quality Assurance Service – “Internal Quality Assurance” and “Collegiate Assessment of Educational Programs” were financed within the framework of the project “Quality Assurance and University Administration” administered by the Francophone University Agency.
International experts will hold two more seminars in frames of this project until the end of 2020 for the employees of TSU Quality Assurance Service, academic and learning departments, academics, students, and other interested persons.
The second project financed by the Francophone University Agency – “Collegiate Assessment of Educational Programs” aims at providing expert assessment for the educational programs: Economics, Psychology and Ecology.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University has long been cooperating with the Office for Central and Eastern Europeof Francophone University Agency that has yielded positive results.
Last year, BA, MA and PhD programs in Law as well as one-step educational program in dentistry were assessed with their support. The assessment conclusions were used in further development of these programs. Further, a training on organizing a doctoral school was held for TSU academic staff.