The Quality Assurance Thematic Group
The Quality Assurance Thematic Group was established on December 6, 2019 at the second session of the Permanent Conference of Rectors of Georgian HEIs. The group has 85 members from 43 Georgian higher education institutions and is a platform for the discussion of quality assurance topics, and to deepen cooperation between HEIs. The group also cooperates with external stakeholders at the national and international levels.
Thematic Group Mission:
The mission of the Quality Assurance Thematic Group of Higher Education Institutions is to promote the development of a culture of quality in HEIs through shared experience and best practices, discussing the challenges and opportunities for professional development.
Thematic group goals:
- Enhance cooperation between HEI quality assurance services;
- Develop HEI capacity in the field of quality assurance;
- Create a platform to discuss quality assurance issues;
- Promote the establishment of the first part of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) - for Promoting Internal Quality Assurance in HEIs;
- Discuss current developments in the European Higher Education Area and share experiences and best practices;
- Cooperate with the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement;
- Cooperate with the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR), the European University Association (EUA) and other international organizations and universities;
- Carry out collegiate assessment of educational programs;
- Collaborate with international experts to evaluate educational programs and plan professional development activities;
- Plan and conduct joint research projects;
- Prepare a quarterly report for the Board of Rectors;
- Publish a quarterly journal;
- Conduct an annual conference on quality assurance issues.
Members of the Quality Assurance Thematic Group(s) can be employee(s) of the Quality Assurance Service, as other persons who work in HEI and are interested in quality assurance issues, including students.